Live authentic Reconnect with the world​

Intercultural colive-cowork-community 

at the Ecuadorian coast.

Intercultural colive-cowork-community at the Ecuadorian coast.

Live authentic
with the world


Kite/ Surf


Slow down and Grow


Punta la barca

A modern tribe 

A place to create & share 

To live authentic & reconnect with the world.

Digital nomads, long term travelers, kite/surfers, campers, backpackers, worldschoolers, changemakers & wayfinders.

Welcome to Punta la Barca.

Intercultural community in an authentic hidden Beach in Ecuador.


**NEW** Immersion Month the Ecuadorian Coast

This july-august, we offer a complete immersion experience for long term travelers, digital nomads and travelers of life 🔥🤸‍♂️. Communal living, a supportive space to focus, local gastronomy, exploring on the weekends, a local montessori project for traveling families, and optional watersports. What else do we need in life.. 🙌🤗

-> Coliving & coworking: feel supported, get inspired by the intercultural community, hear your inner voice again, focus on what matters. Includes daily breakfast, high speed wifi, cooking together dinners, bonfires, and more

-> Activities: explore together the natural wonders and culture of coastal ecuador. Every weekend we go out looking for whales, monkeys, surf, ancient culture, waterfalls, pueblitos, local food, and more

-> Montessori for travelers’ kids: the most wonderful local holistic educational project for kids 4-12y, every morning monday-friday

-> Optional to add for watersport & music  enthusiasts:-surf, kitesurf, e-foil and Ecuadorian music classes about once a week

Interested? Contact us! More info and prices on 

Ps -we are happy to consider specific adaptations, reach out to us.

Get introduced in the concept of Punta la Barca

The community concept of Punta la Barca is very different from usual hotel-like arrangements, and we want to be sure to set the right expectations .

Watch the recorded introductory call here. In this 40 minute videochat, we explain Punta la Barca’s vision and setup, give a tour around, and answer questions.

Online community-led circles

Punta la Barca organizes a community-led monthly online circle. Expect a circle between ‘travelers of life’ 😊, all of us valuing authenticity, community, connection between different cultures, growing towards a more free, fair and sustainable world.

For those carrying Punta la Barca in their heart, this is an extension of the community started there, a way of keeping in touch, a way of holding space, finding a certain type of authentic support.

For who haven’t been at Punta la Barca.. if you resonate and feel intrigued to join, this is an online space for you where you can be yourself, find support in your ideas and struggles, and plant seeds around you.


Who we are?

We are a Belgian-Ecuadorean family, living, working and raising our kids semi-nomadic between both cultures. Inge works remotely, Juan is kite surfer and handyman, and our kids Logan (8), Yago (6) and Alex (0) go to school in Belgium and home/unschool in Ecuador . With our hearts wired for community, nature, sports, and the simple magic of life, we are on an eternal quest to combine the beauty of both cultures 🥰

Punta la Barca got born in 2015 as a place where long-term travelers can find community, immerse in the local, and hear themselves again. In the years after, we could install fiber optics internet, and digital nomads joined in 💻.

Finally with our community knowledge growing and the realization that kids are a vital part of it, we started to pave the way towards nomadic families as well 🤸‍♂️.

We are also locals from Santa Marianita. Micho is Juan’s cousin, and coordinates the practical stuff at Punta la Barca. He knows everything about the village, has the biggest heart, and is a great practice for talking in Spanish as his English is in the early stages of development 🙃.

Ana, Juan’s mom, is also a mom for the traveler who opens his heart while eating her breakfast ❤. Juana is the head of our extended local family of fishermen, and helps us all to keep the place clean. Nexar, also a nephew, brings in young energy and help where needed. Together with their kids and other family members passing by, they make Punta la Barca an authentic part of the village instead of a tourist bubble. All gains of Punta la Barca also go towards supporting our local community 💪.

Finally, we are long term travelers. Punta la Barca wouldn’t have grown into what it is now without all the contributions of those having lived with us. From a simple act of kindness, a heart-opening conversation, the configuration of the internet, the building of a solar oven, the permaculture design of the terrain, to breathing regeneration and replacing Inge and Juan when we are in Belgium.. Together we go far 🤙

Spending time at Punta La Barca means immersing in the authentic life of a small fishing village, kitesurfing amongst humpback whales, coworking in a small community of like-minded nomads, living free-spirited within nature, and together finding steps towards regenerating our planet 🌎

You will have deserted beaches at your doorstep, good Wi-Fi, outdoor sports, fishermen hospitality, friendships within our community of travelers, bonfires to absorb upcoming thoughts, and communal areas to work and relax with breath-taking views. Welcome to an authentic slice of Ecuadorian paradise.

We hope to see you soon ❤️

Ask any question or get in touch with us?

Values of Punta la Barca

Connect with different backgrounds, perspectives and lifestyles. Immerse in the local.

The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people. We seek to connect and grow our understanding of the world, featuring long term travelers, digital nomads, and locals. Each bringing in another world, belief system, and way of living.

Focus on your flow/project/work

We need time and space to focus. To get stuff done, to dig deep, to try out something different. We value a supporting atmosphere to discover and follow what one wants to put into the world. Where it feels good to be lost, and to venture out towards that which makes one’s heart beat faster.

Enjoy the raw outdoors

Nature is magic, and it is there to enjoy. We get up with a view over the ocean, are passionate about outdoor sports, feel honored to kite with humpback whales, drop everything each beautiful sunset, and sleep with the sounds of the waves.

Slow down, live life today

Today is a gift (that’s why we call it the present). We live life here and now, in all its aspects, ups and downs. We foster slow travel, allowing one to feel at home and flow into that natural balance. We value an atmosphere where connection is more important than efficacy, and simple things have meaning.

Grow towards a sustainable, equal and free world

Otro mundo es posible. If you have practical tips for going zero-waste, we’ll try to implement it. If you want to understand more about inequality, we can tell you some stories. If you started a durability project, we’ll help you spread the word. If you’re interested in learning about freedom, we have some great recommendations. We seek to be conscious about the direction we guide our planet. All gains of Punta la Barca go to the local community. 

Deserted beaches, surf, kitesurf, hills, forests and whales at your doorstep

Two cowork areas in front of the sea, with stable fiber optics wifi 80 - 100 mbps

Good conversations, cultural diversity and slowing down to find back the essence.

Connection flows through cooking together. Ingredients for free, preparation is responsability of all of us!

An imagination station to inspire taking steps together in the right direction, towards regeneration. Together we go far 💪


Marco Bustos
Marco Bustos
Rubén Menéndez
Rubén Menéndez
Sabrina Rossi
Sabrina Rossi
This is a wonderful place. Friendly people, simple living, surrounded by nature, a quiet beach. It is not very touristy and feels authentic. It is a great place to work from because it has co-working spaces and fast wifi. I would visit again and recommend to anyone who is looking to get away and spend time in a peaceful place. I’m really grateful I got to stay here. Its nice to see that places like Punta La Barca exist in the world.
Sigolene Jomain
Sigolene Jomain
An amazing place to stay in Santa Marianita! Stunning view, beautiful beach, great vibe, great kitchen, clean and warm shower... Amazing place to work. Totally recommend for people who want a break in a small remote village
Andreas Amaya
Andreas Amaya
Freddy Junior Reyes Acosta
Freddy Junior Reyes Acosta
Gema Vélez Macías
Gema Vélez Macías
Divino me encanto